- Mindset is the KEY to everything.
- PROATLIFE - mantra of being professional at living life. We do this by being confident, having an abundance mindset, and knowing that everything will work out. (growth, happiness, love).
- Abundance Mindset
- Belief that there are enough resources in the world for everyone. You will get rich and so will others that try to get rich.
- Manifestation
- Something theoretical made real. You make it real by feeling it. Thinking it isn’t enough.
- Book: The game of life and how to play it.
- Consciousness Energy Grid: CIA documentation
- What is your desired goal in 3-6 months?
- What inputs do you need to achieve it?
- What do you need improve?
- It is done.
- IMAGINE this (make it realistic, don’t break reality or else it will break incorrectly)
- You can break reality by imagining too much but not working towards it.
- FEEL the emotions of having everything you want… the freedom, the luxury, little to no stress about finances.
- But also think about the stress you will feel along your journey. Make it real.
- You will get more NOs then YESs
- Embrace the NOs and know you are one step closer to a YES.
- One client changes EVERYTHING
- 3 clients and you are earning 6 figures per year ($2800 x 3 = $8400 per month x 12 months = $100,800/yr
- Imagine how free you will be. Imagine what your friends will think while you work less and live freely. Imagine what it will feel like to have a consistent system that will give you client in a predictable time frame.
- Keep Trying. You are supposed to have more short term losses than wins.
- Quick Story: How I manifested being CEO of a software company.
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