- Response Time
- Keep replies within 3-7 minutes.
- Responses sent within hours or days have significantly less chance in booking a call.
- Short Emails
- Keep emails 150 words or less.
- This gives you a much higher chance of the prospect reading your email and replying.
- NEVER Say Price
- Do not discuss price during conversation. You can give ranges but always push for a call.
- EXAMPLE: What is the price?
- Response: The price range is custom per client because we have different services we deliver. We have brands that pay 40k per month and our lowest is 2.5k per month. Would you be open to a call to discuss your situation more specifically?
- Agree. Acknowledge. Propose an idea.
- EXAMPLE: I don’t have time to book in a call.
- Response: I completely understand you can’t book in John. I know you’re busy and I don’t want to waste your time. Are you open to doing a short 15 minute discovery call because I know this can help you with {{achieving dream outcome}}.
- Push for a Call
- Call Leads w Positive Responses to BOOST call booking rate
- You can receive 20 positive replies and book 2-4 calls. If you call the rest of the 14-16 leads, you can easily book in another 5-10 calls because you humanize yourself when you get on the phone.